Friday, July 9, 2010

journal 5: new symbols

I think that signs designating everyday things should be simple and easy to understand. All of my redesigned signs are very simple and hopefully easy to recognize.

This is the executive washroom. Just a normal restroom sign with the addition of a crown showing that this is not for filthy pheasants.

This exit sign may have been used before but I have not seen one just like it. It is simple and it tells a person where the exit is.

I really wanted to get more creative with this one. A simple drawing of a car going into a layered building with large doors would be an easy to recognize sign for a parking garage.

The women's restroom shows a figure sitting while the men's show a urinal. The fire extinguisher is a hammer pounding on a fire. and the janitors closet is simply a figure holding a broom.

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