Thursday, July 22, 2010

journal 12: advertisement 1

This is an advertisement for a concealed gun holster. I don't have a scanner so I just used my camera to take a picture sorry about the glare.

I picked this ad because it is playing off of the readers fears. It states "better safe then sorry" the ad is trying to state that if you don't carry a gun you may be sorry. It is a cultural myth that if someone carries a gun they will be safer. If the defender has a gun chances the attacker has a gun as well, if they see the target unarmed then they have no need to pull a gun, but if their target pulls a gun on them then they will likely do the same.

The target audience for this advertisement is they type of people that read gun magazines. When I think of gun magazines macho men come into mind. The men that think that they need to protect their family. The ad is trying to put fear into their minds so they will buy their product.

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